Extended Information on Cookies

This website uses cookies to improve the browsing experience of the users visiting its various sections and pages. If you decide to continue in the browsing of this website, you consent to the use of cookies. In any case, no personal data will be collected by this website through cookies. Below you will find more information about cookies in general and those specifically used by this website.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file containing information exchanged between a website and the user's device (usually via the web browser) and it is normally used by the webmaster to store in the user's device some information needed to improve the browsing of the website or to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while surfing the web. When the user visits the same website again, the user's device checks for a recognized cookie, so that it can read information contained therein. Different cookies contain information of various types and they are used for different purposes: e.g. easy browsing of the web pages, profiling in order to send targeted marketing messages, analyzing the number of visits to the website.

While browsing through a website, you can get on your device even cookies sent by other websites or servers (so-called third-party cookies) which can host some items (eg. images, maps, sounds, links to specific pages in other domains) available in the website that the user is visiting.

Some cookies (defined session cookies) are assigned to the user's device only for the duration of access to the website and they expire automatically when the user closes the browser. Other cookies (defined persistent cookies) remain in the user's device until a default expiration date.

The specific purposes of the different types of cookies are described below.

You can disable cookies by following the instructions explained further on.

Characteristics and purposes of cookies

Technical cookies: some cookies are used to perform authentication procedures, monitor sessions and store specific information about users who access a web page. These cookies, called technical, are useful because they can make browsing the web faster and more efficient, as, for example, they facilitate certain procedures when you buy from online shops, when you login to areas with restricted access, or when a website automatically recognizes the language you usually use. A particular type of cookies, called analytics, are used by the webmasters to collect information, in an anonymous and aggregate way, concerning the number of users and how they visit the website, in order to draw up general statistics about the service and its utilization. The European and Italian laws do not require the express consent of the user to the inclusion of the technical cookies on his device.

Profiling cookies: other cookies may instead be used to track and profile the users while browsing, study their preferences and habits of surfing the web or their consumption (what they buy, what they read, etc.), also in order to send targeted advertising services. These are called, in such case, profiling cookies. It may happen that a web page contains cookies from other websites and embedded in various elements hosted on the same page, such as banner ads, images, videos. These are known as third-party cookies, which are usually used for profiling purposes. Given the particular invasiveness that the profiling cookies (especially those of third-parties) may have in the privacy of the users, the European and Italian laws require the user to be properly informed about the use of profiling cookies and to express explicit consent to the inclusion of these cookies on his device.

Cookies used by this website

This website uses exclusively technical cookies; therefore, there are no profiling cookies. In particular, when you access the website a banner containing a short message on the use of cookies will be displayed at the top of the screen. By clicking on the "CONTINUE" button or going on browsing through the website in any other way, you consent to the use of cookies. Your consent will be recorded in a technical persistent cookie, so that the next time you access the website the banner will not be displayed any more.

The following table shows the cookies created directly by this website.

Cookie name Purpose Example content Expiration


This cookie simply allows the user to suppress the displaying of the cookie information banner on each page of this website or at the next visits to the same.


1 year


When a form is submitted, this cookie stores a simple message that can be displayed on a different page.

For example:
- if an information request form has been compiled incorrectly, a message is stored and presented to the user to report the error occurred in the submission;
- when an information request form has been submitted successfully, a message is stored and presented to the user to confirm the successful submission.

No personal information is stored in this cookie.


When the user closes the browser

How to manage or disable cookies

If you do not want to accept the use of cookies, you can disable them. To do this you must configure the settings appropriately provided by the browser you use to surf the web. Just consider, however, that most browsers use cookies and therefore disabling them indiscriminately may cause that you will not be able to browse properly or use all the features provided by a given website. Each browser has specific settings to disable cookies; following are the links to the instructions for the most popular browsers.

To learn more, you can refer to www.aboutcookies.org, www.allaboutcookies.org, youronlinechoices.com.

Third-party websites

The third-party websites that can be accessed through this website are not covered by this cookie policy. We disclaim all responsibility for them. The categories of cookies used and the type of treatment performed by these third-party websites are regulated in accordance with the corresponding policies issued by such websites. In any case, this website does not use any cookie generated by such third-party websites.

Changes to this document

1. This document, which constitutes the Extended Information on Cookies of this website, is published at the page http://www.angelolagattuta.it/cookie_policy_en.html .

2. It may be subject to changes and updates. If there are significant changes and updates, these will be reported with specific notifications to users.

3. Previous versions of the Extended Information on Cookies will be available at links made accessible from the above-mentioned web page.

4. This Extended Information on Cookies has been updated on 1st January 2024.


For further information or clarifications on the Extended Information on Cookies you can use the form available in the section Contacts of this website.